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🏷️ 🤑 How to create a sales pitch for WhatsApp using AI? (SMEs Guide 2024)

Do you need a sales pitch that really works on WhatsApp?

Here, I will show you how the best salespeople have mastered this tool to achieve successful sales.

Do you feel like your conversations with clients aren't reaching their full potential?

Do you wonder why some salespeople are up to 4 times more effective on WhatsApp than others?

Don't know what to say to your clients to generate visits or sales?

This article has everything you need! Let's get started! 🤩

Keys to an effective sales pitch on WhatsApp and how to enhance it with AI 🔥

With over 2 billion users, WhatsApp has become a key channel for business communication. However, making effective sales through this platform goes beyond simply sending messages. A structured and optimized sales pitch can be the difference between winning or losing a sale.

What turns a simple conversation into a sales opportunity? The key is understanding the client's needs, guiding them through the buying process, and finally closing the sale with a concrete action. And this can be achieved with the right techniques.

What is a sales pitch on WhatsApp? 

A sales pitch for WhatsApp is a structured conversation between a salesperson and a potential client, where the goal is to guide the client from the initial inquiry to the purchasing action. This pitch shouldn't be rigid but should adapt to each client and situation. WhatsApp, being a conversational channel, allows for a more informal and direct tone, but just as effective as other traditional sales channels.

Unlike a phone call or a face-to-face meeting, WhatsApp offers the advantage of flexibility, and messages can be more concise, precise, and used to send visual materials like photos, catalogs, or links with more information.

The best salespeople have perfected their skills in digital sales, and after interviewing the most successful ones, we discovered that success is no coincidence. They follow a clear and effective structure that you can apply to your team.

3 key steps to optimize your conversion via WhatsApp 🎯

These are the three steps every successful sales pitch on WhatsApp must have:

1. Effective introduction

This is the most crucial moment. The first contact is everything. If you fail in your opening lines, you'll lose the opportunity to move towards the sale. You only have a few seconds to capture the client's attention.

Therefore, your introduction should be clear, friendly, and direct. Remember, your client probably receives dozens of messages a day, so with yours and your proposal, you must stand out. The best salespeople always:

  • Present themselves clearly.
  • Ask for permission to converse.
  • Explain the reason for their contact, building trust from the first moment.

Example #1:

  • Salesperson: "Good afternoon, Ramón. My name is Matías, and I'm writing from Car Pool to thank you for contacting us through our website. I want to understand how I can help you with your vehicle purchase."

Example #2 - Template for your messages:

  • Salesperson:  "Hi [Client's name], I'm [your name] from [your company]. I'm contacting you because I saw you're interested in [product/service]. I'd love to help you find the best option for you."

This type of introduction creates closeness, trust, and professionalism. And, once this is achieved, we can move on to the next stage, which is... 🥁🥁🥁

2. Client qualification

Once you've captured the client's attention, the next step is to understand their need. Here, questions play a key role, and this is where the salesperson acts as a "detective," seeking to understand the clues the client gives us.

It's important to use strategic questions to evaluate the client's needs and their level of interest in the purchase. This allows us to personalize the offer and increase the probability of closing the sale.

The questions should focus on two key points: the client's level of interest and their purchasing capacity.

Some key questions to qualify the client:

  • When would you like to make the purchase?
  • Do you prefer financing or paying in full?
  • Have you considered other options, or is this the product that interests you the most?

"When do you plan to make the purchase, this week, this month, or are you still unsure? Do you prefer an automatic or manual transmission?"

These questions will not only help you guide the conversation but also allow you to qualify the client to determine if they are a "hot" prospect or not.

🔥 EXTRA TIP: Remember, clients closer to making a purchase decision usually have clear answers to these questions.

3. Define the Next Sales Step (NSS)

Don't leave conversations hanging. The most common mistake salespeople make is not closing with a Next Sales Step (NSS). Define a clear next step to close the sale or schedule a follow-up conversation. This prevents the client from getting lost in the process and increases your chances of success.

Example without NSS: 
"I'll send you more information by email, and I await your response."

Example with NSS:
"I'll send you the information by email now. Can we schedule a call for tomorrow morning or afternoon? I can also help you complete the purchase from here."

The Next Sales Step (NSS) is vital because it defines how the relationship with the client will continue and avoids leaving the conversation in an indefinite limbo. It's better to schedule a follow-up conversation, set up a store visit, or even send a link to close the purchase rather than leave the process to chance.

This ensures there will be future interaction.

Technological tools you can use to improve your sales 🦾

Using the right tools can make a big difference in your sales team's efficiency. Some tools allow you to centralize communication on WhatsApp, automate certain processes, and improve the customer experience. With Darwin AI, you could have all these and more! Let's look at the most important ones to consider:

CRM integrations: A good CRM platform that integrates with WhatsApp, like the one we offer at Darwin AI, will allow you to follow the conversation with clients at different stages, record interactions, qualify potential clients, and assign pending tasks.

AI-powered automated messaging: Darwin AI's technology will allow you to train your chatbot with scripts, tactics, and examples for your messages, while also providing quick and convincing responses, which is very useful for managing large volumes of messages and avoiding human errors or distractions (which we often face).

How to use artificial intelligence to optimize your sales? 😏

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming a key ally for sales on WhatsApp. With tools like intelligent chatbots or AI integration to analyze messages, you can reduce response time, improve personalization, and increase conversion.

How it works:

  • Intelligent chatbots: They can automatically qualify clients, ask key questions, and direct the conversation toward closing.

  • Sentiment analysis: AI tools can analyze conversations to detect the client's emotional state and adapt the strategy in real time.

  • Message optimization: Following an analysis of different prospects, we can suggest improvements in the sent messages, allowing you to adjust the tone and content to maximize impact each time.

The combination of human intelligence and AI can be very powerful. For example, while the chatbot handles initial inquiries, a human salesperson can step in to close the sale at critical moments. This translates to reduced effort and investment while increasing closed sales and conversions. Interesting, right?

What are the best practices for boosting sales via WhatsApp? 😎

In addition to following these steps and tactics, the most successful salespeople use additional strategies to increase their effectiveness. Among the most commonly used are:

    1. Creating scarcity: Mentioning that there are few units left of the product or that a promotion is about to end.

    2. Offering concrete options: Giving the client two clear options to move forward, such as a specific date and time for a call or visit.

    3. Leveraging CRM and technological tools: Using a CRM with VOIP functionality to access recorded calls or chat histories and continually improve the sales pitch.

    4. Using artificial intelligence to optimize processes: By using AI, you can manage thousands of messages in seconds, provide immediate responses to your clients, and at the same time, reduce costs for your sales teams.

The solution: AI in WhatsApp for effective sales🧠

Your clients are waiting for quick responses, and your sales team feels overwhelmed with the number of inquiries. Cold leads take too long to warm up, and when they finally arrive, the client has already found another option.

"The reality is that businesses that don't adopt modern technologies in their sales strategies are falling behind, missing valuable opportunities."

This is where Darwin AI comes in with its artificial intelligence platform applied to sales. By implementing a chatbot on WhatsApp, you can automate responses to inquiries, qualify leads in real-time, and schedule sales calls efficiently, all without overwhelming your team.

How does a sales chatbot on WhatsApp work?

  1. Real-time automation: Respond instantly, even outside business hours. Studies show that companies that respond within the first 5 minutes are 9 times more likely to convert a lead into a client.

  2. Automatic lead qualification: An AI-trained chatbot not only answers questions but can also identify how likely the user is to make a purchase. According to a HubSpot study, sales teams using AI to qualify leads report a 50% increase in conversion rates.

  3. Appointment scheduling: Once the client is ready, the chatbot can automatically schedule a call with one of your salespeople. This means less friction in the sales process and a clearer path to closing.

Why trust Darwin AI? 👇🏽

Darwin AI is a robust platform designed specifically to improve SME sales. We are already helping businesses in key sectors like automotive, real estate, and education optimize their sales process with AI on WhatsApp.

Success story: An automotive dealership in Brazil implemented Darwin AI and its chatbot on WhatsApp to manage inquiries. In just three months, they increased their sales closures by 25% thanks to immediate responses and automatic lead qualification.

Alternatives: What happens if you don't implement AI?

Without AI, your team will continue to respond manually to each message. This not only increases response time but also reduces the chances of conversion.

Additionally, keeping a team available 24/7 can become expensive and inefficient. Is it worth staying in that 

The impact of AI on SME sales 🤯

If you think AI is only for big companies, think again. More and more SMEs are incorporating AI into their processes, and the results are surprising.

A McKinsey study revealed that companies that implement artificial intelligence in their sales strategies report an average 15% increase in revenue. Darwin AI not only helps you adopt this technology but does so in an accessible and results-focused way.

How to get started: Step-by-step guide to implementing AI in your sales

  1. Define your objectives: Are you looking to increase response speed? Improve lead qualification? Setting your goals is the first step toward a successful implementation.

  2. Train your chatbot: Darwin AI allows you to train your chatbot on your customers' most frequent questions. The more it understands your business, the better it can assist your users.

  3. Monitor and adjust: Artificial intelligence learns with every interaction. Monitor results and adjust the chatbot to optimize its performance.

Real example of a successful AI Bot conversation on WhatsApp

Salesperson (S): "Hello, Juan. My name is Diego Quinteros, I’m contacting you from the Fiat dealership, Car Pool, because you inquired about the Fiat Cronos 2022. Is that correct?"

Customer (C): "Yes, I made the inquiry through Mercado Libre."

S: "Perfect. Are you only interested in the Cronos, or are you also considering other models? We have promotions in stock that might interest you."

C: "I’m between the Cronos and the Argo..."

S: "I see. Both are great options. If you like, I can guide you a bit more. Are you looking for a car more for daily city use or something more versatile for long trips? Do you prefer an automatic or manual transmission? What color would you like?"

C: "Manual is fine, I’d like to use it in the city, and I like gray."

S: "Great! We have a gray Cronos available that could be perfect for you. It’s ideal for daily use as it’s fuel-efficient. Would you like to schedule a test drive for tomorrow at 5 p.m.?"

C: "Yes, I can make it at that time."

S: "Perfect, I’ll see you tomorrow at 5 p.m. at our dealership. See you then!"

In this example, the salesperson follows each step to guide the conversation to a clear Next Sales Step (NSS), increasing the likelihood of closing the sale.


Creating an effective sales pitch for WhatsApp isn’t complicated if you follow the right steps: a solid introduction, precise client qualification, and clearly defining the next sales step.

Remember, don’t let conversations fade away. Success lies in being clear, strategic, and persistent.

And if you want to take your sales even further, use tools like Darwin AI to integrate WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram into a single platform, optimizing your sales team and following step-by-step strategies for more persuasive and effective sales pitches.

Ready to boost your sales with WhatsApp? Try Darwin AI and start improving your sales pitches like never before! Click here and start your free trial now!


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