
How to integrate HubSpot with Artificial Intelligence? (2024)

Written by Lautaro Schiaffino | Mar 21, 2024 11:35:10 AM


The global CRM or Customer Relationship Management systems market exceeded $70 billion in net revenue in 2023, according to Fortune Business Insights, and one of the reasons for such significant growth is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) with leading CRM platforms. HubSpot is precisely one of those major providers aligned with this global trend. Let's delve into the details of HubSpot's integration with artificial intelligence.

Integrating HubSpot with artificial intelligence systems takes interaction and customer experience to another level. - Image Generated by Pikaso. -

For years, CRM platforms like HubSpot or its competitors such as Zoho or Salesforce have been used to support, organize, manage, and monitor customer interactions and business operations, always aimed at increasing customer satisfaction. Now, the integration of AI with CRM takes these platforms to an unprecedented level of automation, monitoring, and versatility.

Connecting HubSpot with AI endows this platform with functionalities such as natural language processing, machine learning, and deep learning, allowing for an even better understanding of customer preferences, behavior, and needs by offering much more relevant and personalized solutions and catalogs.

We dedicate this delivery to exploring the functionalities, benefits, and alternatives of integrating HubSpot with artificial intelligence.

Take customer interaction to another level, here are 5 reasons why you need an AI-powered CRM.

Generative AI-based assistants

They are AI options in HubSpot capable of generating content, personalizing reports, creating images, and supporting website creation and customization. They are compatible with all HubSpot applications and therefore represent a valuable suite of tools to support marketing, sales, and customer service teams.

Among HubSpot's AI assistants are: AI Agent, AI Insight, and ChatSpot. Their main implementations revolve around:

  • Conversation management
  • Predictive information generation
  • Customer service automation


ChatSpot is basically the integration of HubSpot's CRM with OpenAI's ChatGPT. It was unveiled in February 2023 and launched to the market in beta version a month later.

ChatSpot is equipped with extensive functionalities including:

  • Text generation
  • Image generation
  • Deep Insights for prospects and data analytics support
  • Chatbot: Intuitive response generation feature
  • Automated emails
  • Data capture, recording, and interaction transcription
  • Data channeling and homogenization
  • SEO improvement suggestions.

IA Marketing HUB

Includes the Subject Line Generator, AI Slash, and Highlight functionalities, which automate repetitive communication tasks with clients such as email management & marketing, SMS, social media advertising, and other types of customer interactions.


Group AI integrations for website optimization and creation, akin to a Website Builder.

Additionally, it includes integrations of the corporate blog with social media accounts for generating posts without needing to leave the web editor.

Another implementation is the integration with website SEO & SEM analysis and optimization systems (such as Semrush) to provide recommendations for better organic and paid positioning.

IA Sales HUB

HubSpot's AI-powered tools are aimed at generating forecasts and uncovering patterns based on sales history.

These features also include enhancements in how users interact with analytics and data prospecting tools.

IA Services & Operation HUB

Integration facilities of HubSpot with AI that allow generating, optimizing, and enhancing custom reports, interaction summaries, smart forms, and other types of reports.

This module also includes functions for managing and facilitating emails, as well as other interactions with customers and users.

It also enables the description and formulation of workflows, along with user reports on these workflows.

Don't wait any longer! Boost your customer interaction through AI for customer services.

What are the benefits of connecting HubSpot with AI?

With the functionalities and capabilities described in the previous section, it is not difficult to infer the benefits of AI integration in HubSpot for SMEs.

According to HubSpot's AI Roadmap document, "the brand's AI-based products and features aim to increase productivity and help SMEs work smarter."

Here are some benefits of AI integration in HubSpot for SMEs that we can summarize:

A high level of content customization

The integration of AI into HubSpot allows for analyzing user behavior in real-time, enabling high levels of content personalization and experience customization.

This tactic evidently increases content relevance for each visitor, enhancing retention, conversion rates, and engagement or brand loyalty.

SEO Optimization

AI can analyze large amounts of content, data, and search trends to identify keyword opportunities or search intentions of potential customers or leads.

Based on this, AI tools can optimize content for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or organic positioning for web search engines. This helps improve visibility and positioning on search engine results pages (SERPs) and attract high-quality organic traffic.

Automation of routine tasks

The integration of AI with HubSpot enables the automation of highly repetitive or routine tasks such as:

  • Analysis and classification of leads
  • Email responses
  • Email marketing
  • Interaction in chats, forums, and social media
  • Scheduling social media posts
  • Handling simple inquiries
  • Even post-sale management and billing

The number of tasks that artificial intelligence can handle is growing day by day, along with its efficiency and relevance, freeing up time for the creative team to focus on more strategic and higher-value activities.

Generation of dynamic content/catalogs

Based on consumer behavior and market trends, the AI features of CMS like HubSpot can automatically generate dynamic content, such as personalized emails, chat messages, and product recommendations and catalogs that update instantly.

This is an excellent strategy that enhances the relevance and effectiveness of communication with customers, thereby improving the overall experience.

Predictive analysis and advanced reporting

AI can analyze historical and real-time data to identify patterns and trends, as well as predict future outcomes.

This provides valuable information for strategic decision-making such as:

  • Optimization of marketing campaigns and strategies
  • Budget optimization
  • Improvements in inventory management
  • Pricing and promotion package setting
  • Project management and new launches.

Continuous improvement of metrics and performance.

La integración de HubSpot con inteligencia artificial permite a cualquier empresa, indistintamente de su tamaño o sector, para aprovechar las ventajas del aprendizaje automático & Deep Learning para generar recomendaciones en aras de mejorar sus métricas y aprovechar mediciones oportunas para apuntalar mejor sus campañas y estrategias. 

Métricas pertinentes y actualizadas hacen posible adaptarse a los cambios del mercado y mantener competitividad a corto y largo plazo. 

Interested in improving lead conversion rates and customer loyalty? Increase your conversion rates through conversational AI with these practices.


How to connect HubSpot with artificial intelligence?


The simplest way to minimize AI integration costs in HubSpot is through Zapier, the platform specialized in creating web application integrations for workflow automation.

To do this, it's important to follow a series of steps and preparations:

  • Needs and objectives matrix: What specific aspects of customer interaction do you want to improve through the integration of HubSpot with artificial intelligence?
  1. Review and selection of the AI tool you will integrate with your CRM: HubSpot seamlessly integrates with a wide range of AI enablements such as Darwin AI.
  2. Configuration of the integration. The AI platform to be integrated provides its own instructions via technical documentation, but broadly speaking, these may be the steps.
  • Access the account on the artificial intelligence platform
  • Go to the menu of available integrations
  • Select the plug-in or add-on to install, in this case HubSpot CRM
  • Follow login instructions
  • Enable specific options, such as the CRM modules you wish to integrate
  • Verify that the accounts have been connected and proceed with minor or specific configurations.
  c. Make sure that this data is 'clean', updated, and relevant to ensure good results.
  • Tests and validations

Display the AI-enabled functions in your CRM and request specific reports or results. Adjust parameters as necessary to optimize the performance of the integrated tool.

  • Monitoring and maintenance

Leave documented a process for periodic tracking and monitoring, along with metrics to monitor the performance of integration in production.

Make adjustments and updates as required by the CRM database and integrated AI, to ensure accuracy and effectiveness over time. 

Innovative solutions to boost your business! Here are some AI capabilities for small businesses.

What is the easiest and most cost-effective way to integrate HubSpot with artificial intelligence?

There are several options for integrating HubSpot with artificial intelligence systems, but few conceived for the budget scope of small businesses, startups, and ventures. Darwin AI is one of them.

Darwin seamlessly integrates with your CRM platform, in this case, HubSpot, through Zapier. It's a leading integration platform that offers a suite of intuitive functions to empower users in integrating and automating workflows without the need for deep development knowledge.

Darwin ensures a high level of efficiency and customization, as we train our AI with data from your CRM, databases, website, technical documents, and other resources to ensure highly personalized deployments in less than a week.

Create your own assistant! And delegate up to 50% of customer interactions to an efficient, timely system with continuous improvement capabilities through personalization. Don't wait any longer to capitalize on the benefits of this emerging technology for your small business.

Experience the power of true AI integration in HubSpot for SMEs!